About DF Dickins Associates, LLC

Our customers are our priority – witness forty years of repeat clients. Every project builds on a solid base of past experience and develops through the personal involvement of the company’s founder.

Over 45 years of professional experience

Broad international client base

Hundreds of marine environmental projects

Diversity of services from oil spills to climate change

Reputation for on-time delivery, on-budget

Reputation for excellence in report writing and analysis

Our History

Founded in 1978, DF Dickins Associates, LLC is an engineering consulting company with experience covering hundreds of projects for international resource development companies and government agencies. Specialties include engineering and environmental studies associated with offshore oil exploration and development, pipelines and marine transportation.

Recent News

New Guide to Oil Spill Response in Ice and Snow – prepared jointly by Owens Coastal Consultants and DF Dickins for the Arctic Council.  A companion volume with expanded coverage of sub-Arctic and Antarctic areas is due for release by the International Maritime Organization in 2016.  The guide provides unique insight into the challenges of oil spill response in winter conditions.

DF Dickins Associates, LLC

La Jolla, CA


Tel. 858-431-6064